International Traffic/Bandwidth | Hong Kong Global Route Traffic
International Traffic/Bandwidth
Hong Kong Global Route Traffic
A Virtual Private Server? That is a VPS for short. It is its own protected environment on a dedicated web server. This is possible through virtualization techniques. Our VPS package has all the rights you would obtain with your own dedicated server. How another tenant has configured his cloud VPS has no effect on yours, if you want a different operating system this is possible. In this way the flexibility is unprecedentedly high, all types of software and services run effortlessly. It is logical that a lot of freelancers use this hosting method.
Super speed is the VPS SSD, it has no trouble with all web stores and software. A solid state disk needs a short search and access time so that your audience can quickly view your website. To allow your guests to use your website effortlessly, speed is certainly important. The Solid State Drive Virtual Private Server continues to work without problems and at the same time is protected against digital attacks. Do you want to keep the web server close to the public for optimal speed? That is a possibility because our Solid State Disk VPS are located in the Netherlands but also in Los Angeles, among other places. Do you want to scale up? Then there are options for this. Each SSD server may be part of a dedicated server, but have their own SSD and working memory that another person cannot use.
Do you have more web shops that you manage? That’s where the power of Virtual Private Server comes in again. That is precisely the strength of these types of computers. Where you pay for the costs for each site separately with shared hosting, those costs do not apply if you have your own web server under management. If the intention is to have multiple web shops hosted on 1 Virtual Private Server, make sure that it is powerful enough. The more the server has to do, the more time it takes to get this done. If it turns out that you are still requiring too many processes, you can always order more memory at all times. Although we also recommend that you consider the type of processor, this can really be a good one.
Can’t you just say what kind of hosting is best for you? There are so many options too. A Linux SSD web server is probably right for you or is a different system better? If you are worrying, please contact us and we will help you choose the right server. This is our profession for a long time, there is nothing we cannot handle. Have a look at our website, we are happy to help you.
Redundant Network Design
200G bandwidth provided by Tier 1 upstream providers for high-speed and low latency connections in globe, including HKIX, GTT Communications, TeliaSonera, PCCW Global, Hurricane Electric, NTT, Telstra, Tata Communication, Cogent, Chunghwa Telecom HiNet, China Telecom CN2, China Unicom and China Mobile.